Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Getting Ready for Winter

The weather's turning, and our days of playing outside are becoming few and far between. Even on these days that we're stuck inside, the girls get along so well. Except for refereeing the occasional fight, they're pretty much self sufficient most of the day. All day long they constantly make up games to play with each other, or read each other books or color together.

It's hard for me to imagine being so close to someone as my daughters are. For every day of their lives they've been together, first poking and prodding each others faces, learning to crawl, and helping each other walk. In fact, rarely are they not in the same house. They do play by themselves though; we all need "alone time", as they'll tell you.

Lately they've happily taken on some responsibilities. They take turns running out to the mail box to check our mail (which requires a key to open), they get to play their own CD's in our CD player, and they're in charge of feeding the cats. (Next up: Changing the litter box!)

As for me, I'm getting ready to wind up my Anatomy & Physiology class for the fall term. During Christmas break I'll be working on getting my foot in the door with some stock photography agencies, as well as try to get my little photography business a little further off the ground.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Jeff!!! I just discovered your blog! Add more please :)